The Resurgence of Long-Form Content in the Digital Age

In the ever-evolving world of content marketing, the debate between long-form and short-form content has raged for years. While both have their merits, there's an undeniable shift occurring, where long-form content is rising to the forefront as a formidable force in captivating audiences and achieving marketing goals. This resurgence of long-form content is not just a trend but a strategic necessity, driven by its ability to impress, influence, foster loyalty, and cultivate long-term fans.

To illustrate the significance of this shift, consider the recent decision made by Meta, a tech giant known for its innovative approaches. Meta's move to discontinue its short-form videos and suspend its Creator Fund due to inadequate revenue from short-form content is indicative of a broader shift in viewing habits. Today's audiences are increasingly seeking deeper, more comprehensive explorations of subjects and narratives, recognizing the limitations of short-form content in delivering substantive value.

The Reign of Long-Form Content

In this evolving landscape, long-form content emerges as the reigning champion, equipped to convey authority and offer organizations the means to stand out in the long run. This shift represents a fundamental change in strategy, aligning with the evolving preferences of today's audiences.

One of the most potent formats that exemplifies the power of long-form content is the docu-series—10 minutes or longer episodic and/or serial productions, as well as longer 80-100 minute feature-length productions. The feature-length documentary or the 10-episode docu-series has the potential to transform an organization's visibility, engagement, and overall success by harnessing the unique strengths of long-form storytelling.

The Power of Long-Form Storytelling

In the digital age, storytelling stands as a paramount tool in captivating audiences and forging meaningful connections. A docu-series, when used strategically, can be vastly superior to standalone videos for a marketing strategy. Here are compelling reasons why:

Building Narrative Depth:: A docu-series unfolds as a longer narrative, taking viewers on a multi-episode journey that gradually unveils the story behind your organization. This depth allows for a more profound and immersive connection with your audience, a feat that standalone videos often struggle to achieve.

Emotional Engagement: Long-form storytelling provides ample space for a more extensive exploration of your narrative, allowing viewers to form emotional connections with the characters, events, and themes featured in each episode. This emotional engagement creates a lasting impact and a deeper sense of connection to your brand.

Anticipation and Excitement:: The episodic format of a docu-series builds anticipation and excitement among your audience as they eagerly await each new installment. This ongoing engagement keeps your brand at the forefront of their minds and encourages them to stay tuned for what's next.

Comprehensive Exploration: The episodic nature of a docu-series allows for a comprehensive exploration of your organization's offerings and unique identity. It provides the canvas to convey a more detailed, nuanced, and authentic story that resonates with viewers on a profound level.

Long-form content marketing can be an effective strategy for many companies looking to engage their audience, provide in-depth information, and establish thought leadership. Here's a list of companies that use long-form content marketing along with a case study for each:

Unlocking the Potential of Long-Form Content Marketing: Lessons from Leading Brands

UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship)

UFC produces long-form content in the form of documentaries and mini-series that provide an in-depth look into the lives of fighters, behind-the-scenes stories, and the history of the sport. One notable example is the "UFC Embedded" series, which offers fans an exclusive, behind-the-scenes perspective leading up to major events. These videos are typically around 7-10 minutes in length and are uploaded on their YouTube channel and shared on social media. This content strategy helps build excitement and engagement among fans leading up to fights.

Red Bull

Red Bull is known for its extensive use of long-form content marketing. They produce high-quality videos, documentaries, and articles focusing on extreme sports, adventure, and culture. For instance, their "Red Bull TV" platform offers long-form documentaries and series, such as "The Horn" and "Explorers," which showcase incredible human achievements. This content not only promotes their energy drinks but also aligns with their brand's adventurous and extreme image.


Coca-Cola has been successful in using long-form content to create emotional connections with its audience. They've produced heartwarming short films and documentaries, such as "The Last Customer" and "Happiness Is Movement," which highlight the values and experiences associated with their brand. These stories are often shared on social media platforms and resonate with viewers on a personal level.


GoPro, a manufacturer of action cameras, relies heavily on user-generated long-form video content. They encourage their customers to share their extreme sports and adventure videos filmed with GoPro cameras. This strategy has created a passionate community of users who generate authentic, action-packed content that serves as both marketing and user testimonials.


Nike has created numerous long-form video campaigns, including "Breaking2," a documentary-style film that followed three elite marathon runners as they attempted to break the two-hour marathon barrier. This content not only highlighted Nike's commitment to pushing boundaries but also generated excitement around their running products.


Dove's "Real Beauty" campaign includes long-form video content that challenges conventional beauty standards. Their "Real Beauty Sketches" video became a viral sensation, illustrating the gap between how women perceive themselves and how others see them. This content aligns with Dove's message of promoting self-confidence and self-esteem.


Airbnb's "Experiences" series features long-form videos that highlight unique travel experiences hosted by locals. These videos provide an immersive look into different cultures and activities, inspiring travelers to book Airbnb accommodations and experiences. It showcases the brand's commitment to offering unique travel opportunities.


Apple's product launch events often include long-form video presentations. For example, the launch of the Apple Watch featured a video that explored the design and functionality of the product in-depth. These videos serve to educate customers and generate excitement around new product releases.

National Geographic

National Geographic produces long-form video documentaries on a wide range of topics, from wildlife and nature to history and culture. Their content aims to educate, inspire, and entertain, reinforcing their reputation as a trusted source of exploration and discovery.


Adobe's "" platform is dedicated to providing long-form content for marketing professionals. They publish articles, reports, and interviews with industry experts, offering valuable insights into digital marketing trends, strategies, and best practices. Adobe leverages this content to position itself as a leader in marketing and design software solutions.


Patagonia is known for its commitment to environmental and social responsibility. They produce long-form content, including documentaries like "DamNation," which addresses the issue of dam removal and its environmental impact. Through these films and articles, Patagonia not only promotes its products but also raises awareness about environmental issues, aligning with their brand values.

These case studies demonstrate how various brands use long-form video content to engage their audiences, tell compelling stories, and reinforce their brand identities. Long-form videos can be a powerful tool for conveying a brand's message and connecting with viewers on a deeper level.

Other Examples of Valuable Long-Form Content

Here are some additional examples of long-form content that have garnered significant attention and demonstrated their value include:

ESPN's "The Last Dance":: A docu-series that chronicles the career of basketball legend Michael Jordan, providing a comprehensive look at his life, career, and impact on the sport. It generated immense anticipation and emotional engagement.

YouTube's "Explained" Series: YouTube's "Explained" series is a collection of long-form videos that delve into complex topics and phenomena, providing in-depth explanations. These videos, typically ranging from 15 to 20 minutes, offer valuable educational content in an engaging format. They are valuable because they cater to viewers seeking in-depth knowledge while still being accessible on a platform known for shorter content.

Podcasts:: While not visual content, podcasts represent a form of long-form content that has gained immense popularity on the internet and social media. Podcast episodes can range from 30 minutes to several hours and cover a wide range of topics. Their value lies in their ability to offer in-depth discussions, interviews, and storytelling, making them a valuable resource for audiences seeking in-depth insights on various subjects.

Twitch Live Streams:: Twitch streamers produce long-form content, streaming for hours on end while playing games, discussing topics, or creating art. The value of Twitch streams is the deep connection and interactivity they offer, allowing viewers to engage with the streamer and fellow audience members over an extended period.

Netflix's Interactive Content: Netflix has introduced interactive long-form content, such as "Bandersnatch" (a part of the "Black Mirror" series) and "You vs. Wild." These interactive experiences allow viewers to make choices that influence the storyline. The value here lies in the immersive and participatory nature of the content, where viewers feel like active participants in the narrative.

LinkedIn Learning Courses: Learning courses typically consist of multiple video lessons, quizzes, and assignments. They are valuable for professionals seeking to upskill or gain expertise in various fields, offering in-depth knowledge and certification.

Long-form content on social media and the internet serves a crucial role in providing valuable, educational, and immersive experiences to online audiences. Whether it's YouTube's educational series, podcast discussions, interactive Netflix content, live Twitch streams, or professional courses on LinkedIn, these formats cater to the diverse preferences of digital audiences who seek in-depth information and engagement on various subjects.

The Ongoing Importance of Long-Form Content

In conclusion, the resurgence of long-form content, particularly in the form of a docu-series, is not merely a passing trend but a strategic imperative. It allows organizations to connect with their audience on a deeper level, foster loyalty, and stand out in a crowded digital landscape. As audiences continue to seek meaningful and immersive content experiences, long-form storytelling remains a powerful tool to meet those demands and drive lasting success in content marketing.


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